
The series concept has been created for children in early primary, ages 4–7, with a philosophical view to creating an empowering environment for the children – an environment that puts storytelling back into the hands of the child, while exploring themes of dental care in a fun and adventurous way.

From the Storyteller’s ‘Holey’ Throne, (as revealed in the pilot: The Giant Tooth), now in its rightful place before the hearth of Thimblewood Glade, the characters will narrate their stories (episodes) whilst holding Spike who, although reluctant, becomes the resident ‘talking stick’. Passed on by TS, the Talking Stick elder, the holder receives the honoured position of speaker, whilst teaching the audience the gift of listening.

The Throne signifies the point of departure and resolve for each journey (and opening and closing of each episode).  The adventures evolving from the world of Feathertickle continue to be limitless, enabling the ‘narrator’ to take us to any time, anywhere their imaginations and memories desire, promoting longevity for generations to come.

The magic of the Throne is held in its mythical ability to reflect but gently guide the beliefs, fears and dreams of its beholder.

And such, it symbolises the universal experience and reward of growing up.

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